Adrian Bot

Company: Capstan Therapeutics
Job title: Founding Chief Scientific Officer & Executive Vice President - Research & Development
Industry leader’s Fireside Chat: Navigating the Path to the Clinic to Accelerate Clinical Efficacy 8:40 am
Discussing preclinical development best practices to supercharge preclinical approval Discussing translational and IND approval challenges Highlighting clinical successesRead more
day: Day One
Keynote Presentation: Unveiling Transformative IND Data to Supercharge the Clinical Progression of In Vivo Cell Engineering & Gene Editing Therapies 9:30 am
Showcasing IND application data to streamline the IND approval process Evaluating outcomes and identifying key learnings to efficiently and effectively enhance the next wave of clinical progressionRead more
day: Day One
Roundtable Discussion: The Transgene Insertion or Transient Expression Debate: Exploring the Superior Method for Payload Delivery 11:15 am
Exploring which process is best utilized for curative or symptom regulation improvements in oncology and autoimmune-based diseases Discussing the efficacy and safety impacts of each payload delivery method to identify the premier delivery method Evaluating preclinical data highlighting the persistence and treatment response outcomes to provide insight into possible clinical outcomes Read more
day: Day Two