Evaluating the Suitability of Different Animal Models for In Vivo Cell Engineering & Gene Editing to Find the Most Appropriate Model for Your Pipeline

Time: 8:02 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


Finding a suitable animal model that is cost-effective and all-encompassing is a major challenge. With many approaches, from using mice with humanized immune systems to non-human primates, each with distinct benefits and drawbacks, this session aims to assess suitability.

Take part in this workshop to join us in:

  • Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different animal models including mice with humanized immune systems or non-human primates to compare which criteria (efficacy, safety, biodistribution etc.) are most suitable to measure
  • Addressing topics such as cost and accessibility of different models against benefits, to gain insights into the range of animal models and the respective benefits
  • Planning how data from animal models may translate into humans as companies begin to shift toward the clinic
